Thursday 3 December 2015

Storyboard and Planning

Blog Post SIX

Overall idea of the sequence

Our sequence for our prelim all evolves around a girl character, that is seen to be innocent and walking around a work place. Her identity isn't revealed till the 7th shot, this has connotations on the audience as mysterious and draws them into knowing what the character is there for. Within the 11th shot, the antagonist that is following the girl appears, this is where the overall theme of thriller is first introduced. The mise-en-scene of the stalker consists of a dark, cloak that is used for hiding the identity so that the audience again are withdrawn into the situation. Everytime the antagonist is within shot, our mise-en-scene of lighting will be darkened so that it has connotations of evil aswell as mystery. The women that is being followed is sure that she hears footsteps behind her but everytime it cuts to a close up, she cannot see the mysterious black shadowed character, which again creates suspence and tention for the character and audience. She soon realises that somebody is following her therefore she picks up the pace that she is walking in, but trips which slows her down. A great unadvantage to her, but an advantage to the antagonist. She starts running away due to her knowing she is being followed and starts to find everyway that she can get out of the location. She slams her keycard down, a non-diegetic sound effect will be added to create atmosphere. The end of the sequence ends on a cliff hanger which the antagonist stops the doorway and through the productional editing piece, we will add a fade-through-black to end the sequence. The name of our sequence that we have chosen for our Prelim is 'The Black Shaddow'.

The Storyboard

Ripping the storyboard apart


  • Large, black cloak to hide antagonist identity
  • Protagonist- girly, stereotypical outfit
Cross Reference- see blog post five for pictures (click here)

Make up
  • Protagonist- red lipstick (adding a sense of evil and danger)
  • Antagonist- As black cloak covers face, no make up needed
  • Stairway
  • Doorway
  • Hallway
  • Front enterance
Cross Reference- click here

  • Unsaturated lighting when Antagonist appears
  •  Normal lighting used when Protagonist is in shot
Cross Reference- click here
 Facial Expression
  • Protagonist- Worried and Scared
  • Antagonist- Idenity not seen as costume covers
Cross Reference- See Visual Storyboard below

  • Outfits are our only props used
Cross Reference- click here

Throughout the sequence, we use a variety of shots to fit the theme of Thriller that we are aiming for.
The main three types of shots we use is 
  • Close Up
  • Mid Shot
  • Extreme Longshot & Longshot
 These are used for a variety of different reasons, you will able to see the basic visual storyboard below to give you a clue of what we are aiming for, shot by shot. Our longshot's are being used to show the location as well as the density of the problem within the film (e.g. when the Protagonist is running through the location, you are able to see location as well as the action of the character)

In terms of sound, we aren't really having much dialogue due to the fact that it builds more tention as well as giving the audience suspence. In terms of post production, we are going to add music ontop of the filming, this will be along the terms of music like this aswell as deep breathing that we are going to record seperately using the Zoom Microphone.
Visual Storyboard

1 comment:

  1. Good alternative to drawing. However, do ensure that you do cover al the aspects of the brief - S/RS and MOA
