Thursday 28 January 2016



Within our thriller film it is set in Pound Hill, Crawley and it features on a young girl whose grown up orphaned, her Mother disappearing mysteriously when she was little and she never knew who her Father was despite remembering small memories of her when she was little. Within our opening we have decided to keep the audience wanting to find out more about the protagonists' background so that throughout the whole film, slowly but surely certain things give the audience clues.

She explores her memories about her Mother throughout the opening to realise she has always been followed by a dark figure with a scar, we focus a lot on the scar rather than the identity of the figure. Now that she is older, she finds it her mission to find out what really happened to her Mother and find who this dark figure is. 

Throughout the film she discovers that the dark figure is actually Father, whom watches her to protect her. The scar that he has on his face has a huge story behind it, an event happened in which her Mother was trapped in a fire and he ran in to save her but failed, leaving him with a scar as he needed surgery with how much the burns had impacted him. Her mother ended up dying sadly within the fire. When she is finally reunited with her Father, he is killed, leaving the film on a cliff hanger. He is killed as he goes back to the motor way location that the protagonist starts on and dies at the exact same time and date in which the mother died. This leaves the audience on a cliff hanger again as we would not show how he died, just the location and the time.

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