Thursday 14 January 2016

Research Task by Imogen Evans 1/4

Blog Post ELEVEN
The first thriller opening I looked at was, 'The Lovely Bones' click here to see the opening.

Camera Work

  • Close ups used to establish the intense facial expressions and emotions on the character in the opening
  • Extreme Long shot used to show the locations of her past
  • Extreme Close Up used to emphasise the importance of an object such as the penguin
  • Long shot used to show the relationship the characters has so the dad watching Suzie play, shows emotion and love
  • Lots of slow pans to estbalish the location.

  • Slow cuts are used to show vunerability, they vary from Long shots to Close ups, adds emotion
  • Fade is used to transition the photos from POV to the view finder on her camera.
  • Fast cuts are used to match the pace of the character Suzie, when she is in a rush, the cuts fasten
  • Wipe is used to move each photo on the next, it makes it more quick.

Mise en Scene
  • Props include a lonely snowglobe, emphasises the mood and atmosphere of the scene
  • Suzie as a child has, short hair, rosy cheeks and red dungarees, this portrays her innocence as a child
  • Suzies facial expressions are constantly confused or happy, this shows her vunerabilty and little knowledge to the world.
  • The lighting in the first scene is bright and welcoming, this sets the enotion of Suzie as happy and carefree.
  • Suzie's body language is childlike so she constantly looks naive as she wonders around aimlessly.
  • The contrast to Suzie and her Dad is huge as her Dad's body language is constantly on edge, always crouching forward to be on guard if anything happens to Suzie. His facial expressions seem amazed by Suzie, she makes him a happy person.
  • The settings of the scene is in a basic living room, where the decor fits the time period of the 70's with drab sofa's with little life in.

  • Piano music is used to make the scene more intense, builds up tension
  • Foley is used to make the clock work turns sound more chilling
  • Dialogue is used as first person to get the perspective of the child
  • Foley is used to emphaise the camera clicking
  • Birds in the background singing portray abandonment and desolatness 

1 comment:

  1. Overall Imogen, this is good.
    You only have 3 posts - a shame.

    Fades - move time on.
    Foleys refer to any sounds in the film's diegetic world.

    Level 3
    Comments on the narrative structure are needed as well.
