Saturday 23 January 2016

Research Task by Imogen Evans 2/4

Blog Post TEN

The second thriller opening I looked at was Pulp Fiction, click here to see the opening.

Camera Work
  • Over The Shoulder Shot used to give a perspective of what is happening from the actors view, makes the scene more intense.
  • Close Up used to establish the facial expressions
  • Mid Shot is used through out the opening, to see the body language of the actors
  • Low Angle when standing on the table to show their authority over the people in the Diner.

  • Shot reverse shot is used through the scene between the actors to make the audience feel they are watching the conversation
  • Slow Cuts are used to keep the pace of the scene, as the scene gets more dramatic the pace of the cuts speeds up
  • A Slow Zoom to the face to show the sincerity of the conversation
Mise en Scene
  • Props include cigarettes, mugs and sugar shakers, this helps establish the atmosphere of the 90's Diner as smoking inside was prohibited
  • Ringo has a khaki shirt and slicked back hair which represents the 90's time period in outfits. Yolanda's outfit is a plain long sleeved T-Shirt and a necklace
  • Ringo's facial expressions are confused and angry but eases up when he talks to the woman, he tends to scrunch up his face out of boredom and frustration but relaxes
  • His body language is constantly slouched but at ease, he has his leg up which shows he is a relaxed man
  • Yolanda's facial expressions are constantly happy, she is grinning but then contrasts to looking confused at the man's plans
  • Her body language is upright with a good posture, this shows she is eager and ready to go
  • The settings of the scene is a typical 90's diner with leather seats and the lighting is daylight so bright
  • Diner music such as coffee cups clinking and cutlery noises are used in the background of the opening, this helps set the atmosphere of the scene
  • Dialogue is the main sound through out the scene as it makes the scene more normal
  • Foley is used when the gun is slammed onto the table, this emphasises the importance of the gun
  • The sound is calm through out the scene until it gets to when they start to rob the Diner, the pace fastens

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